I have been deer hunting every year for the past 8 years. During my time in the woods I have seen many other animals besides deer, including: squirrels, rabbits, birds like owls, eagles, wood peckers, also foxes, porcupines, beavers, woodchucks any probably even more. This year when we walked through the woods to set up our deer stands, the trees were marked for logging. When we got home, we researched to see how much they were logging off and when it was going to take place. It was an eye opening experience to see how much of these animals habitats they were going to log off, not to mention the woods that we have hunted in for 8 years. To think of all the old trees and plants that are going to be destroyed and all the animals that are going to have to find a new home is kind of disturbing. And its all to produce paper and paper products.
For my eco-chic lifestyle project I eliminated the use of paper products such as paper plates, napkins, paper towels, and fast food containers. To see first hand how logging and the production of paper affects the environment and the things that live there was shocking. Since taking this class my awareness for the environment has increased a ton and it was interesting to experience that while taking this class. So I urge everyone to try to reduce the amount of paper products they use and think about how your decisions are affecting the environment.
Here is also an article about logging in MN that I found while writing this post:
Click here
Isn't it sad how people so carelessly are chopping down forests? I remember learning about deforestation in elementary school, as a fourth grader I was hit pretty hard by the reality of what we learned and have since been very frugal with my paper use, but many people don't get that sort of education and don't understand what paper use is doing to the environment. The article that you linked mentioned mining in the Iron Range. The gas station that I work at is the main gas supplier for a company that does a lot of the mining and from the ways I have heard them talk about what they're doing they have no idea that they are being harmful to the environment.
ReplyDeleteI also have seen this happen. My dad owns some land in Rushford (South-East MN, by Winona) and my family hunts on it almost year round. His land is right next to public land and each year we hear more and more trucks and see more and more orange flags around the trees. The only thing we benefit from is the deer, turkeys, and coyotes come onto our land but it is sad that their habitats are being destroyed every where.